Warranty Info
Thank you for choosing product(s) distributed by Hong Kong Misting Ltd.
本公司對 旗下產品(下稱「本產品」),基於以下特定條款,將會為用戶(下稱「客戶」) 提供保養服務。 Hong Kong Misting Ltd. would provide warranty services for customers under the following conditions.
保養範圍 Warranty Coverage
- 本產品必須由香港霧業有限公司代理。 The product should be distributed by Hong Kong Misting Ltd.
- 本產品的保用期限自購買日開始計算。客戶必須自行保留購買收據及產品盒標籤以作紀錄。 Warranty coverage started from the date customer purchased the product. Customers should retain their sales receipt and warranty label.
- 本公司保養服務包括在保養期內正常使用情況下之零件故障,如因所須零件停產、缺貨或其他原因導致無法維修或即時 更換,本公司有權以同級相近之產品代替。 Warranty would be valid under normal use for the applicable period. If the product cannot be repaired under the conditions of no stock, off production or any other reasons, Hong Kong Misting Ltd. would replace the product with a functionally equivalent model.
- 本公司不保證本產品能兼容日後市場推出之軟件或硬件或產品。 Hong Kong Misting Ltd. bares no responsibilities to guarantee the product will be compatible with future versions of software or hardware or products.
- 唯電器產品能有一年保修。
Only electrical products can have a one-year warranty.
保養期限 Warranty Period
- 本產品享有 1 年自攜有限保養服務。 Hong Kong Misting Ltd. provides 1 year carry-in limited warranty. Everbest would provide repairs at no additional charge within the first year warranty period.
豁免保養責任 Exclusions to the warranty
- 基於以下條件,本產品將不獲保修: Warranty does not apply under the following conditions:
- 不依照說明書指示使用之損壞。 Misuse by not following the instructions properly.
- 基於任何原因(包括意外),人為損毀、跌撞、不正當之安裝或操作所造成之損壞。 Any accidental, misuse or intentional damages causing malfunction.
- 自行拆裝或曾經被非本公司認可之修理、更換所產生之問題及故障。 Unauthorized repairing or modification done to the product.
- 因輸入不當電壓所導致之零件失靈。 Improper voltage supply
- 硬件正常耗損。 Normal wear and tear
- 非原購買者的產品擁有權轉讓。 Transfer of ownership
- 因不可抗力造成損壞的,如火災、水災、地震、雷擊、颱風等自然災害。 Damage caused by acts of nature or natural disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, typhoons and other natural disasters
- 對非產品本身品質問題不滿意的,如:對產品顏色、外觀、形狀不滿意等。 Dissatisfaction on the product other than its quality, e.g. product color, outlook, shape.
- 同時,本公司不負責承擔因本產品之品質問題所造成的其他間接損失、花費及其它附帶損害,包括但不限於資訊遺 失,預期利益損失等等。 At the same time, Hong Kong Misting Ltd. is not liable for any indirect loss, cost, or consequential damages caused by the quality problem of the product, including but not limited to loss of data, expected benefits and etc
- 產品存放在高溫或潮濕的位置、或經浸沒在水中所造成的損壞。 Damage by storing the product in a hot or humid location, or by submerging the product (water, coffee, beverage etc.)
- 客戶未能提供產品有效保養標籤及購買發票/收據。 Customers could not present their sales receipt with a valid warranty label.
- 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 In case of any dispute, Hong Kong Misting Ltd. reserves the rights for any final decision.
保養條款聲明 Disclaimer 本公司保留修改此保用證條款及細則的權利而無須事先通知。 Hong Kong Misting Ltd. reserves the rights to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 In case of any dispute, Hong Kong Misting Ltd. reserves the rights for any final decision.